Interface AsyncIndexInfoService

    • Method Detail

      • getAsyncLanes

        Iterable<String> getAsyncLanes()
        Returns all the async indexing lanes which are active in the setup.
      • getAsyncLanes

        Iterable<String> getAsyncLanes​(NodeState root)
        Returns all the async indexing lanes which are active in the setup based on given root NodeState
        root - root NodeState from which async index state is read
      • getInfo

        @Nullable AsyncIndexInfo getInfo​(String name)
        Returns the info for async indexer with given name
      • getInfo

        @Nullable AsyncIndexInfo getInfo​(String name,
                                         NodeState root)
        Returns the info for async indexer with given name and based on given root NodeState
      • getIndexedUptoPerLane

        Map<String,​Long> getIndexedUptoPerLane()
        Returns the lastIndexUpto time in millis for each indexing lane for current root state
        map with lane name as key and lastIndexUpto in millis as value
      • getIndexedUptoPerLane

        Map<String,​Long> getIndexedUptoPerLane​(NodeState root)
        Returns the lastIndexUpto time in millis for each indexing lane for given root state
        map with lane name as key and lastIndexUpto in millis as value
      • hasIndexerUpdatedForAnyLane

        default boolean hasIndexerUpdatedForAnyLane​(NodeState before,
                                                    NodeState after)
        Determines if any index lane has completed any indexing cycle between given two repository states
        before - before state of root node
        after - after state of root node
        true if any indexing lane has completed any indexing cycle i.e. its lastIndexTo time has changed