Class ChangeSetFilterImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeSetFilterImpl

        public ChangeSetFilterImpl​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull Set<String> includedParentPaths,
                                   boolean isDeep,
                                   @Nullable Set<String> additionalIncludedParentPaths,
                                   Set<String> excludedParentPaths,
                                   Set<String> parentNodeNames,
                                   Set<String> parentNodeTypes,
                                   Set<String> propertyNames)
      • ChangeSetFilterImpl

        public ChangeSetFilterImpl​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull Set<String> includedParentPaths,
                                   boolean isDeep,
                                   @Nullable Set<String> additionalIncludedParentPaths,
                                   Set<String> excludedParentPaths,
                                   Set<String> parentNodeNames,
                                   Set<String> parentNodeTypes,
                                   Set<String> propertyNames,
                                   int maxExcludedPaths)
    • Method Detail

      • getRootIncludePaths

        public Set<String> getRootIncludePaths()
        for testing only
      • excludes

        public boolean excludes​(ChangeSet changeSet)
        Description copied from interface: ChangeSetFilter
        Decides if the commit belonging to the provided ChangeSet is potentially relevant to the listener or if it can definitely be excluded.
        Specified by:
        excludes in interface ChangeSetFilter