Class Selectors

  • public final class Selectors
    extends Object
    Common Selector implementations
    • Field Detail

      • THIS

        public static final UniversalFilter.Selector THIS
        A selector returning the node for which a call back on EventFilter was called or a non existing node in the case of a property call back.
    • Method Detail

      • fromThis

        public static @NotNull UniversalFilter.Selector fromThis​(@NotNull
                                                                 @NotNull String relPath)
        A selector returning the node at relPath relative to THIS
        relPath - relative path
        selector for relPath from THIS
      • fromParent

        public static @NotNull UniversalFilter.Selector fromParent​(@NotNull
                                                                   @NotNull String relPath)
        A selector returning the node at relPath relative to PARENT
        relPath - relative path
        selector for relPath from PARENT