Class OpenSecurityProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenSecurityProvider

        public OpenSecurityProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getParameters

        public @NotNull ConfigurationParameters getParameters​(@Nullable
                                                              @Nullable String name)
        Description copied from interface: SecurityProvider
        Allows to retrieve the configuration parameters associated with a given SecurityConfiguration accessible by this provider. If the specified name is null the global config parameters will be returned.
        Specified by:
        getParameters in interface SecurityProvider
        name - The name of the security configuration.
        The configuration parameters associated with the SecurityConfiguration identified by the specified name. If the specified name is null the global config parameters will be returned.
      • getConfiguration

        public <T> T getConfiguration​(@NotNull
                                      @NotNull Class<T> configClass)
        Description copied from interface: SecurityProvider
        Returns the security configuration of the specified configClass.
        Specified by:
        getConfiguration in interface SecurityProvider
        configClass - The class of the configuration to retrieve.
        The desired security configuration.