Class AbstractAuthorizableAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAuthorizableAction

        public AbstractAuthorizableAction()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(@NotNull
                         @NotNull SecurityProvider securityProvider,
                         @NotNull ConfigurationParameters config)
        Doesn't perform any action.
        Specified by:
        init in interface AuthorizableAction
        securityProvider - The security provider present with the repository
        config - The configuration parameters for this action.
      • onCreate

        public void onCreate​(@NotNull
                             @NotNull Group group,
                             @NotNull Root root,
                             @NotNull NamePathMapper namePathMapper)
                      throws RepositoryException
        Doesn't perform any action.
        Specified by:
        onCreate in interface AuthorizableAction
        group - The new group that has not yet been persisted; e.g. the associated tree is still 'NEW'.
        root - The root associated with the user manager.
        RepositoryException - If an error occurs.
      • onCreate

        public void onCreate​(@NotNull
                             @NotNull User user,
                             @Nullable String password,
                             @NotNull Root root,
                             @NotNull NamePathMapper namePathMapper)
                      throws RepositoryException
        Doesn't perform any action.
        Specified by:
        onCreate in interface AuthorizableAction
        user - The new user that has not yet been persisted; e.g. the associated tree is still 'NEW'.
        password - The password that was specified upon user creation.
        root - The root associated with the user manager.
        RepositoryException - If an error occurs.