Class HunspellDictionary

  • public class HunspellDictionary
    extends Object
    In-memory structure for the dictionary (.dic) and affix (.aff) data of a hunspell dictionary.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HunspellDictionary

        public HunspellDictionary​(InputStream affix,
                                  InputStream dictionary,
                                  Version version)
                           throws IOException,
        Creates a new HunspellDictionary containing the information read from the provided InputStreams to hunspell affix and dictionary files. You have to close the provided InputStreams yourself.
        affix - InputStream for reading the hunspell affix file (won't be closed).
        dictionary - InputStream for reading the hunspell dictionary file (won't be closed).
        version - Lucene Version
        IOException - Can be thrown while reading from the InputStreams
        ParseException - Can be thrown if the content of the files does not meet expected formats
      • HunspellDictionary

        public HunspellDictionary​(InputStream affix,
                                  InputStream dictionary,
                                  Version version,
                                  boolean ignoreCase)
                           throws IOException,
        Creates a new HunspellDictionary containing the information read from the provided InputStreams to hunspell affix and dictionary files. You have to close the provided InputStreams yourself.
        affix - InputStream for reading the hunspell affix file (won't be closed).
        dictionary - InputStream for reading the hunspell dictionary file (won't be closed).
        version - Lucene Version
        ignoreCase - If true, dictionary matching will be case insensitive
        IOException - Can be thrown while reading from the InputStreams
        ParseException - Can be thrown if the content of the files does not meet expected formats
      • HunspellDictionary

        public HunspellDictionary​(InputStream affix,
                                  List<InputStream> dictionaries,
                                  Version version,
                                  boolean ignoreCase)
                           throws IOException,
        Creates a new HunspellDictionary containing the information read from the provided InputStreams to hunspell affix and dictionary files. You have to close the provided InputStreams yourself.
        affix - InputStream for reading the hunspell affix file (won't be closed).
        dictionaries - InputStreams for reading the hunspell dictionary file (won't be closed).
        version - Lucene Version
        ignoreCase - If true, dictionary matching will be case insensitive
        IOException - Can be thrown while reading from the InputStreams
        ParseException - Can be thrown if the content of the files does not meet expected formats
      • HunspellDictionary

        public HunspellDictionary​(InputStream affix,
                                  List<InputStream> dictionaries,
                                  Version version,
                                  boolean ignoreCase,
                                  boolean strictAffixParsing)
                           throws IOException,
        Creates a new HunspellDictionary containing the information read from the provided InputStreams to hunspell affix and dictionary files. You have to close the provided InputStreams yourself.
        affix - InputStream for reading the hunspell affix file (won't be closed).
        dictionaries - InputStreams for reading the hunspell dictionary file (won't be closed).
        version - Lucene Version
        ignoreCase - If true, dictionary matching will be case insensitive
        strictAffixParsing - Affix strict parsing enabled or not (an error while reading a rule causes exception or is ignored)
        IOException - Can be thrown while reading from the InputStreams
        ParseException - Can be thrown if the content of the files does not meet expected formats
    • Method Detail

      • lookupWord

        public List<HunspellWord> lookupWord​(char[] word,
                                             int offset,
                                             int length)
        Looks up HunspellWords that match the String created from the given char array, offset and length
        word - Char array to generate the String from
        offset - Offset in the char array that the String starts at
        length - Length from the offset that the String is
        List of HunspellWords that match the generated String, or null if none are found
      • lookupPrefix

        public List<HunspellAffix> lookupPrefix​(char[] word,
                                                int offset,
                                                int length)
        Looks up HunspellAffix prefixes that have an append that matches the String created from the given char array, offset and length
        word - Char array to generate the String from
        offset - Offset in the char array that the String starts at
        length - Length from the offset that the String is
        List of HunspellAffix prefixes with an append that matches the String, or null if none are found
      • lookupSuffix

        public List<HunspellAffix> lookupSuffix​(char[] word,
                                                int offset,
                                                int length)
        Looks up HunspellAffix suffixes that have an append that matches the String created from the given char array, offset and length
        word - Char array to generate the String from
        offset - Offset in the char array that the String starts at
        length - Length from the offset that the String is
        List of HunspellAffix suffixes with an append that matches the String, or null if none are found
      • getVersion

        public Version getVersion()
      • isIgnoreCase

        public boolean isIgnoreCase()