Class CodecUtil

  • public final class CodecUtil
    extends Object
    Utility class for reading and writing versioned headers.

    Writing codec headers is useful to ensure that a file is in the format you think it is.

    • Field Detail


        public static final int CODEC_MAGIC
        Constant to identify the start of a codec header.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • writeHeader

        public static void writeHeader​(DataOutput out,
                                       String codec,
                                       int version)
                                throws IOException
        Writes a codec header, which records both a string to identify the file and a version number. This header can be parsed and validated with checkHeader().

        CodecHeader --> Magic,CodecName,Version

        • Magic --> Uint32. This identifies the start of the header. It is always 1071082519.
        • CodecName --> String. This is a string to identify this file.
        • Version --> Uint32. Records the version of the file.

        Note that the length of a codec header depends only upon the name of the codec, so this length can be computed at any time with headerLength(String).

        out - Output stream
        codec - String to identify this file. It should be simple ASCII, less than 128 characters in length.
        version - Version number
        IOException - If there is an I/O error writing to the underlying medium.
      • headerLength

        public static int headerLength​(String codec)
        Computes the length of a codec header.
        codec - Codec name.
        length of the entire codec header.
        See Also:
        writeHeader(DataOutput, String, int)
      • checkHeader

        public static int checkHeader​(DataInput in,
                                      String codec,
                                      int minVersion,
                                      int maxVersion)
                               throws IOException
        Reads and validates a header previously written with writeHeader(DataOutput, String, int).

        When reading a file, supply the expected codec and an expected version range (minVersion to maxVersion).

        in - Input stream, positioned at the point where the header was previously written. Typically this is located at the beginning of the file.
        codec - The expected codec name.
        minVersion - The minimum supported expected version number.
        maxVersion - The maximum supported expected version number.
        The actual version found, when a valid header is found that matches codec, with an actual version where minVersion <= actual <= maxVersion. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
        CorruptIndexException - If the first four bytes are not CODEC_MAGIC, or if the actual codec found is not codec.
        IndexFormatTooOldException - If the actual version is less than minVersion.
        IndexFormatTooNewException - If the actual version is greater than maxVersion.
        IOException - If there is an I/O error reading from the underlying medium.
        See Also:
        writeHeader(DataOutput, String, int)