Class ChainedFilter

  • public class ChainedFilter
    extends Filter

    Allows multiple Filters to be chained. Logical operations such as NOT and XOR are applied between filters. One operation can be used for all filters, or a specific operation can be declared for each filter.

    Order in which filters are called depends on the position of the filter in the chain. It's probably more efficient to place the most restrictive filters /least computationally-intensive filters first.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChainedFilter

        public ChainedFilter​(Filter[] chain)
        chain - The chain of filters
      • ChainedFilter

        public ChainedFilter​(Filter[] chain,
                             int[] logicArray)
        chain - The chain of filters
        logicArray - Logical operations to apply between filters
      • ChainedFilter

        public ChainedFilter​(Filter[] chain,
                             int logic)
        chain - The chain of filters
        logic - Logical operation to apply to ALL filters
    • Method Detail

      • getDocIdSet

        public DocIdSet getDocIdSet​(AtomicReaderContext context,
                                    Bits acceptDocs)
                             throws IOException
        Specified by:
        getDocIdSet in class Filter
        context - a AtomicReaderContext instance opened on the index currently searched on. Note, it is likely that the provided reader info does not represent the whole underlying index i.e. if the index has more than one segment the given reader only represents a single segment. The provided context is always an atomic context, so you can call AtomicReader.fields() on the context's reader, for example.
        acceptDocs - Bits that represent the allowable docs to match (typically deleted docs but possibly filtering other documents)
        a DocIdSet that provides the documents which should be permitted or prohibited in search results. NOTE: null should be returned if the filter doesn't accept any documents otherwise internal optimization might not apply in the case an empty DocIdSet is returned.