Class Constants

  • public final class Constants
    extends Object
    Some useful constants.
    • Field Detail

      • JVM_VENDOR

        public static final String JVM_VENDOR
        JVM vendor info.

        public static final String JVM_VERSION
      • JVM_NAME

        public static final String JVM_NAME

        public static final String JAVA_VERSION
        The value of System.getProperty("java.version").
      • OS_NAME

        public static final String OS_NAME
        The value of System.getProperty("").
      • LINUX

        public static final boolean LINUX
        True iff running on Linux.
      • WINDOWS

        public static final boolean WINDOWS
        True iff running on Windows.
      • SUN_OS

        public static final boolean SUN_OS
        True iff running on SunOS.
      • MAC_OS_X

        public static final boolean MAC_OS_X
        True iff running on Mac OS X
      • FREE_BSD

        public static final boolean FREE_BSD
        True iff running on FreeBSD
      • OS_ARCH

        public static final String OS_ARCH
      • OS_VERSION

        public static final String OS_VERSION

        public static final String JAVA_VENDOR

        public static final boolean JRE_IS_MINIMUM_JAVA6
        With Lucene 4.0, we are always on Java 6

        public static final boolean JRE_IS_MINIMUM_JAVA7

        public static final boolean JRE_IS_MINIMUM_JAVA8
      • JRE_IS_64BIT

        public static final boolean JRE_IS_64BIT
        True iff running on a 64bit JVM

        public static final String LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION
        This is the internal Lucene version, recorded into each segment. NOTE: we track per-segment version as a String with the "X.Y" format (no minor version), e.g. "4.0", "3.1", "3.0".

        Alpha and Beta versions will have numbers like "X.Y.0.Z", anything else is not allowed. This is done to prevent people from using indexes created with ALPHA/BETA versions with the released version.


        public static final String LUCENE_VERSION
        This is the Lucene version for display purposes.