Class EscherSimpleProperty

    • Constructor Detail

      • EscherSimpleProperty

        public EscherSimpleProperty​(short id,
                                    int propertyValue)
        The id is distinct from the actual property number. The id includes the property number the blip id flag and an indicator whether the property is complex or not.
        id - the property id
        propertyValue - the property value
      • EscherSimpleProperty

        public EscherSimpleProperty​(short propertyNumber,
                                    boolean isComplex,
                                    boolean isBlipId,
                                    int propertyValue)
        Constructs a new escher property. The three parameters are combined to form a property id.
        propertyNumber - the property number
        isComplex - true, if its a complex property
        isBlipId - true, if its a blip
        propertyValue - the property value
    • Method Detail

      • serializeSimplePart

        public int serializeSimplePart​(byte[] data,
                                       int offset)
        Serialize the simple part of the escher record.
        Specified by:
        serializeSimplePart in class EscherProperty
        data - the buffer to write to
        offset - the starting position
        the number of bytes serialized.
      • serializeComplexPart

        public int serializeComplexPart​(byte[] data,
                                        int pos)
        Escher properties consist of a simple fixed length part and a complex variable length part. The fixed length part is serialized first.
        Specified by:
        serializeComplexPart in class EscherProperty
        data - the buffer to write to
        pos - the starting position
        the length of the part
      • getPropertyValue

        public int getPropertyValue()
        Return the 32 bit value of this property.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Returns true if one escher property is equal to another.
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hashcode so that this object can be stored in collections that require the use of such things.
        hashCode in class Object