Class VariantSupport

  • public class VariantSupport
    extends Variant
    Supports reading and writing of variant data.

    FIXME (3): Reading and writing should be made more uniform than it is now. The following items should be resolved:

    • Reading requires a length parameter that is 4 byte greater than the actual data, because the variant type field is included.
    • Reading reads from a byte array while writing writes to an byte array output stream.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int[] SUPPORTED_TYPES
        HPSF is able to read these Variant types.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VariantSupport

        public VariantSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • setLogUnsupportedTypes

        public static void setLogUnsupportedTypes​(boolean logUnsupportedTypes)
        Specifies whether warnings about unsupported variant types are to be written to System.err or not.
        logUnsupportedTypes - If true warnings will be written, if false they won't.
      • isLogUnsupportedTypes

        public static boolean isLogUnsupportedTypes()
        Checks whether logging of unsupported variant types warning is turned on or off.
        true if logging is turned on, else false.
      • isSupportedType

        public boolean isSupportedType​(int variantType)
        Checks whether HPSF supports the specified variant type. Unsupported types should be implemented included in the SUPPORTED_TYPES array.
        variantType - the variant type to check
        true if HPFS supports this type, else false
        See Also:
      • read

        public static Object read​(byte[] src,
                                  int offset,
                                  int length,
                                  long type,
                                  int codepage)
                           throws ReadingNotSupportedException,
        Reads a variant type from a byte array.
        src - The byte array
        offset - The offset in the byte array where the variant starts
        length - The length of the variant including the variant type field
        type - The variant type to read
        codepage - The codepage to use for non-wide strings
        A Java object that corresponds best to the variant field. For example, a VT_I4 is returned as a Long, a VT_LPSTR as a String.
        ReadingNotSupportedException - if a property is to be written who's variant type HPSF does not yet support
        UnsupportedEncodingException - if the specified codepage is not supported.
        See Also:
      • write

        public static int write​(OutputStream out,
                                long type,
                                Object value,
                                int codepage)
                         throws IOException,
        Writes a variant value to an output stream. This method ensures that always a multiple of 4 bytes is written.

        out - The stream to write the value to.
        type - The variant's type.
        value - The variant's value.
        codepage - The codepage to use to write non-wide strings
        The number of entities that have been written. In many cases an "entity" is a byte but this is not always the case.
        IOException - if an I/O exceptions occurs
        WritingNotSupportedException - if a property is to be written who's variant type HPSF does not yet support