Class VBAInfoAtom

  • public final class VBAInfoAtom
    extends RecordAtom
    An atom record that specifies a reference to the VBA project storage.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VBAInfoAtom

        public VBAInfoAtom​(byte[] source,
                           int start,
                           int len)
        Constructs the vba atom record from its source data.
        source - the source data as a byte array.
        start - the start offset into the byte array.
        len - the length of the slice in the byte array.
    • Method Detail

      • getRecordType

        public long getRecordType()
        Gets the record type.
        Specified by:
        getRecordType in class Record
        the record type.
      • writeOut

        public void writeOut​(OutputStream out)
                      throws IOException
        Write the contents of the record back, so it can be written to disk
        Specified by:
        writeOut in class Record
        out - the output stream to write to.
        IOException - if an error occurs.
      • getPersistIdRef

        public long getPersistIdRef()
      • setPersistIdRef

        public void setPersistIdRef​(long persistIdRef)
      • isHasMacros

        public boolean isHasMacros()
      • setHasMacros

        public void setHasMacros​(boolean hasMacros)
      • getVersion

        public long getVersion()
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(long version)