Class StringChunk

  • public class StringChunk
    extends Chunk
    A Chunk made up of a single string.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringChunk

        public StringChunk​(String namePrefix,
                           int chunkId,
                           Types.MAPIType type)
        Creates a String Chunk.
      • StringChunk

        public StringChunk​(int chunkId,
                           Types.MAPIType type)
        Create a String Chunk, with the specified type.
    • Method Detail

      • get7BitEncoding

        public String get7BitEncoding()
        Returns the Encoding that will be used to decode any "7 bit" (non unicode) data. Most files default to CP1252
      • set7BitEncoding

        public void set7BitEncoding​(String encoding)
        Sets the Encoding that will be used to decode any "7 bit" (non unicode) data. This doesn't appear to be stored anywhere specific in the file, so you may need to guess by looking at headers etc
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Returns the Text value of the chunk
      • getRawValue

        public byte[] getRawValue()
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String str)