Class Types

  • public final class Types
    extends Object
    The types list and details are available from
    • Field Detail


        public static final Types.MAPIType UNSPECIFIED
      • NULL

        public static final Types.MAPIType NULL
        Null - NULL property value
      • SHORT

        public static final Types.MAPIType SHORT
        I2 - signed 16-bit value
      • LONG

        public static final Types.MAPIType LONG
        Long - signed 32-bit value
      • FLOAT

        public static final Types.MAPIType FLOAT
        R4 - 4-byte floating point value
      • DOUBLE

        public static final Types.MAPIType DOUBLE
        Double - floating point double
      • CURRENCY

        public static final Types.MAPIType CURRENCY
        Currency - signed 64-bit integer that represents a base ten decimal with four digits to the right of the decimal point
      • APP_TIME

        public static final Types.MAPIType APP_TIME
        AppTime - application time value
      • ERROR

        public static final Types.MAPIType ERROR
        Error - 32-bit error value
      • BOOLEAN

        public static final Types.MAPIType BOOLEAN
        Boolean - 16-bit Boolean value. '0' is false. Non-zero is true

        public static final Types.MAPIType DIRECTORY
        Object/Directory - embedded object in a property
      • LONG_LONG

        public static final Types.MAPIType LONG_LONG
        I8 - 8-byte signed integer
      • TIME

        public static final Types.MAPIType TIME
        SysTime - FILETIME 64-bit integer specifying the number of 100ns periods since Jan 1, 1601
      • CLS_ID

        public static final Types.MAPIType CLS_ID
        ClassId - OLE GUID
      • BINARY

        public static final Types.MAPIType BINARY
        Binary - counted byte array

        public static final Types.MAPIType ASCII_STRING
        An 8-bit string, probably in CP1252, but don't quote us... Normally used for everything before Outlook 3.0, and some fields in Outlook 3.0.

        public static final Types.MAPIType UNICODE_STRING
        A string, from Outlook 3.0 onwards. Normally unicode

        public static final int MULTIVALUED_FLAG
        MultiValued - Value part contains multiple values
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Types

        public Types()
    • Method Detail

      • asFileEnding

        public static String asFileEnding​(int type)
      • asName

        public static String asName​(int typeId)
      • createCustom

        public static Types.MAPIType createCustom​(int typeId)