Class ExcelExtractor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, ExcelExtractor

    public class ExcelExtractor
    extends POIOLE2TextExtractor
    implements ExcelExtractor
    A text extractor for Excel files.

    Returns the textual content of the file, suitable for indexing by something like Lucene, but not really intended for display to the user.

    To turn an excel file into a CSV or similar, then see the XLS2CSVmra example

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws IOException
        Command line extractor.
        args - the command line parameters
        IOException - if the file can't be read or contains errors
      • setIncludeSheetNames

        public void setIncludeSheetNames​(boolean includeSheetNames)
        Description copied from interface: ExcelExtractor
        Should sheet names be included? Default is true
        Specified by:
        setIncludeSheetNames in interface ExcelExtractor
        includeSheetNames - true if the sheet names should be included
      • setFormulasNotResults

        public void setFormulasNotResults​(boolean formulasNotResults)
        Description copied from interface: ExcelExtractor
        Should we return the formula itself, and not the result it produces? Default is false
        Specified by:
        setFormulasNotResults in interface ExcelExtractor
        formulasNotResults - true if the formula itself is returned
      • setIncludeCellComments

        public void setIncludeCellComments​(boolean includeCellComments)
        Description copied from interface: ExcelExtractor
        Should cell comments be included? Default is false
        Specified by:
        setIncludeCellComments in interface ExcelExtractor
        includeCellComments - true if cell comments should be included
      • setIncludeBlankCells

        public void setIncludeBlankCells​(boolean includeBlankCells)
        Should blank cells be output? Default is to only output cells that are present in the file and are non-blank.
        includeBlankCells - true if blank cells should be included
      • setIncludeHeadersFooters

        public void setIncludeHeadersFooters​(boolean includeHeadersFooters)
        Description copied from interface: ExcelExtractor
        Should headers and footers be included in the output? Default is true
        Specified by:
        setIncludeHeadersFooters in interface ExcelExtractor
        includeHeadersFooters - true if headers and footers should be included
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Description copied from class: POITextExtractor
        Retrieves all the text from the document. How cells, paragraphs etc are separated in the text is implementation specific - see the javadocs for a specific project for details.
        Specified by:
        getText in interface ExcelExtractor
        Specified by:
        getText in class POITextExtractor
        All the text from the document