Class EscherGraphics2d

  • public final class EscherGraphics2d
    extends Graphics2D
    Translates Graphics2d calls into escher calls. The translation is lossy so many features are not supported and some just aren't implemented yet. If in doubt test the specific calls you wish to make. Graphics calls are always drawn into an EscherGroup so one will need to be created.


    One important concept worth considering is that of font size. One of the difficulties in converting Graphics calls into escher drawing calls is that Excel does not have the concept of absolute pixel positions. It measures it's cell widths in 'characters' and the cell heights in points. Unfortunately it's not defined exactly what a type of character it's measuring. Presumably this is due to the fact that the Excel will be using different fonts on different platforms or even within the same platform.

    Because of this constraint you have to calculate the verticalPointsPerPixel. This the amount the font should be scaled by when you issue commands such as drawString(). A good way to calculate this is to use the follow formula:

          multipler = groupHeightInPoints / heightOfGroup

    The height of the group is calculated fairly simply by calculating the difference between the y coordinates of the bounding box of the shape. The height of the group can be calculated by using a convenience called HSSFClientAnchor.getAnchorHeightInPoints().