Class HwmfGraphics

  • public class HwmfGraphics
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • HwmfGraphics

        public HwmfGraphics​(Graphics2D graphicsCtx,
                            Rectangle2D bbox)
        Initialize a graphics context for wmf rendering
        graphicsCtx - the graphics context to delegate drawing calls
        bbox - the bounding box of the wmf (taken from the placeable header)
    • Method Detail

      • draw

        public void draw​(Shape shape)
      • fill

        public void fill​(Shape shape)
      • addObjectTableEntry

        public void addObjectTableEntry​(HwmfObjectTableEntry entry)
        Adds an record of type HwmfObjectTableEntry to the object table. Every object is assigned the lowest available index-that is, the smallest numerical value-in the WMF Object Table. This binding happens at object creation, not when the object is used. Moreover, each object table index uniquely refers to an object. Indexes in the WMF Object Table always start at 0.
        entry -
      • applyObjectTableEntry

        public void applyObjectTableEntry​(int index)
        Applies the object table entry
        index - the index of the object table entry (0-based)
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
        NoSuchElementException - if the entry was deleted before
      • unsetObjectTableEntry

        public void unsetObjectTableEntry​(int index)
        Unsets (deletes) the object table entry for further usage When a META_DELETEOBJECT record (section is received that specifies this object's particular index, the object's resources are released, the binding to its WMF Object Table index is ended, and the index value is returned to the pool of available indexes. The index will be reused, if needed, by a subsequent object created by another Object Record Type record.
        index - the index (0-based)
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
      • saveProperties

        public void saveProperties()
        Saves the current properties to the stack
      • restoreProperties

        public void restoreProperties​(int index)
        Restores the properties from the stack
        index - if the index is positive, the n-th element from the start is activated. If the index is negative, the n-th previous element relative to the current properties element is activated.
      • updateWindowMapMode

        public void updateWindowMapMode()
        After setting various window and viewport related properties, the underlying graphics context needs to be adapted. This methods gathers and sets the corresponding graphics transformations.
      • drawString

        public void drawString​(byte[] text,
                               Rectangle2D bounds)
      • drawString

        public void drawString​(byte[] text,
                               Rectangle2D bounds,
                               int[] dx)