Class HWPFList

  • public final class HWPFList
    extends Object
    This class is used to create a list in a Word document. It is used in conjunction with registerList in HWPFDocument. In Word, lists are not ranged entities, meaning you can't actually add one to the document. Lists only act as properties for list entries. Once you register a list, you can add list entries to a document that are a part of the list. The only benefit of this that I see, is that you can add a list entry anywhere in the document and continue numbering from the previous list.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HWPFList

        public HWPFList​(boolean numbered,
                        StyleSheet styleSheet)
        numbered - true if the list should be numbered; false if it should be bulleted.
        styleSheet - The document's stylesheet.
    • Method Detail

      • getLsid

        public int getLsid()
      • getNumberFormat

        public int getNumberFormat​(char level)
        An MSONFC, as specified in [MS-OSHARED] section, that specifies the format of the level numbers that replace the placeholders for this level in the xst fields of the LVLs in this list. This value MUST not be equal to 0x08, 0x09, 0x0F, or 0x13. If this is equal to 0xFF or 0x17, this level does not have a number sequence and therefore has no number formatting. If this is equal to 0x17, the level uses bullets.
      • getNumberText

        public String getNumberText​(char level)
      • getStartAt

        public int getStartAt​(char level)
      • getTypeOfCharFollowingTheNumber

        public byte getTypeOfCharFollowingTheNumber​(char level)
        "The type of character following the number text for the paragraph: 0 == tab, 1 == space, 2 == nothing."
      • isIgnoreLogicalLeftIdentation

        public boolean isIgnoreLogicalLeftIdentation()
      • isStartAtOverriden

        public boolean isStartAtOverriden​(char level)
      • setIgnoreLogicalLeftIdentation

        public void setIgnoreLogicalLeftIdentation​(boolean ignoreLogicalLeftIdentation)
      • setLevelNumberProperties

        public void setLevelNumberProperties​(int level,
                                             CharacterProperties chp)
        Sets the character properties of the list numbers.
        level - the level number that the properties should apply to.
        chp - The character properties.
      • setLevelParagraphProperties

        public void setLevelParagraphProperties​(int level,
                                                ParagraphProperties pap)
        Sets the paragraph properties for a particular level of the list.
        level - The level number.
        pap - The paragraph properties
      • setLevelStyle

        public void setLevelStyle​(int level,
                                  int styleIndex)