Class PictureRunMapper

  • public class PictureRunMapper
    extends Object
    Helper class for mapping Pictures to Runs within a document. This allows for easy access to Pictures by Run, as well as a way to find "Escher Floating" Pictures which don't have the regular  references in the main text. Provides access to the pictures by offset, iteration over the un-claimed, and peeking forward.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PictureRunMapper

        public PictureRunMapper​(HWPFDocument doc)
    • Method Detail

      • markAsClaimed

        public void markAsClaimed​(Picture picture)
        Mark a Picture as claimed. Used when trying to match up non-Run based pictures
      • hasBeenClaimed

        public boolean hasBeenClaimed​(Picture picture)
        Has the given Picture been claimed by a non-Run yet?
      • pictureNumber

        public int pictureNumber​(Picture picture)
        Which Picture is this one of all the Pictures in the Document? Useful when trying to extract all Pictures with unique numbers or references
      • nextUnclaimed

        public Picture nextUnclaimed()
        Return the next unclaimed one, used towards the end