Class PackagePartCollection

    • Constructor Detail

      • PackagePartCollection

        public PackagePartCollection()
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public PackagePart put​(PackagePartName partName,
                               PackagePart part)
        Check rule [M1.11]: a package implementer shall neither create nor recognize a part with a part name derived from another part name by appending segments to it.
        partName - name of part
        part - part to put
        the previous value associated with partName, or null if there was no mapping for partName.
        InvalidOperationException - Throws if you try to add a part with a name derived from another part name.
      • sortedValues

        public Collection<PackagePart> sortedValues()
        The values themselves should be returned in sorted order. Doing it here avoids paying the high cost of Natural Ordering per insertion.
        unmodifiable collection of parts
      • size

        public int size()
      • getUnusedPartIndex

        public int getUnusedPartIndex​(String nameTemplate)
                               throws InvalidFormatException
        Get an unused part index based on the namePattern, which doesn't exist yet and has the lowest positive index
        nameTemplate - The template for new part names containing a '#' for the index, e.g. "/ppt/slides/slide#.xml"
        the next available part name index
        InvalidFormatException - if the nameTemplate is null or doesn't contain the index char (#) or results in an invalid part name