Class XAdESSignatureFacet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XAdESSignatureFacet
    extends SignatureFacet
    XAdES Signature Facet. Implements XAdES v1.4.1 which is compatible with XAdES v1.3.2. The implemented XAdES format is XAdES-BES/EPES. It's up to another part of the signature service to upgrade the XAdES-BES to a XAdES-X-L. This implementation has been tested against an implementation that participated multiple ETSI XAdES plugtests.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • XAdESSignatureFacet

        public XAdESSignatureFacet()
    • Method Detail

      • preSign

        public void preSign​(Document document,
                            List<Reference> references,
                            List<XMLObject> objects)
                     throws XMLSignatureException
        Description copied from class: SignatureFacet
        This method is being invoked by the XML signature service engine during pre-sign phase. Via this method a signature facet implementation can add signature facets to an XML signature.
        preSign in class SignatureFacet
        document - the signature document to be used for imports
        references - list of reference definitions
        objects - objects to be signed/included in the signature document
      • addMimeType

        public void addMimeType​(String dsReferenceUri,
                                String mimetype)
        Adds a mime-type for the given ds:Reference (referred via its @URI). This information is added via the xades:DataObjectFormat element.
        dsReferenceUri -
        mimetype -