Interface DrawFontManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DrawFontManager
    Manages fonts when rendering slides. Use this class to handle unknown / missing fonts or to substitute fonts
    • Method Detail

      • getMappedFont

        FontInfo getMappedFont​(Graphics2D graphics,
                               FontInfo fontInfo)
        select a font to be used to paint text
        graphics - the graphics context to request additional rendering hints
        fontInfo - the font info object corresponding to the text run font
        the font to be used to paint text
      • getFallbackFont

        FontInfo getFallbackFont​(Graphics2D graphics,
                                 FontInfo fontInfo)
        In case the original font doesn't contain a glyph, use the returned fallback font as an alternative
        graphics - the graphics context to request additional rendering hints
        fontInfo - the font info object corresponding to the text run font
        the font to be used as a fallback for the original typeface
      • createAWTFont

        Font createAWTFont​(Graphics2D graphics,
                           FontInfo fontInfo,
                           double size,
                           boolean bold,
                           boolean italic)
        Create an AWT font object with the given attributes
        graphics - the graphics context to request additional rendering hints
        fontInfo - the font info object corresponding to the text run font
        size - the font size in points
        bold - true if the font is bold
        italic - true if the font is italic
        the AWT font object