Class CellTextFormatter

  • public class CellTextFormatter
    extends CellFormatter
    This class implements printing out text.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CellTextFormatter

        public CellTextFormatter​(String format)
    • Method Detail

      • formatValue

        public void formatValue​(StringBuffer toAppendTo,
                                Object obj)
        Format a value according the format string.
        Specified by:
        formatValue in class CellFormatter
        toAppendTo - The buffer to append to.
        obj - The value to format.
      • simpleValue

        public void simpleValue​(StringBuffer toAppendTo,
                                Object value)
        Format a value according to the type, in the most basic way.

        For text, this is just printing the text.

        Specified by:
        simpleValue in class CellFormatter
        toAppendTo - The buffer to append to.
        value - The value to format.