Class DMax

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class DMax
    extends Object
    implements IDStarAlgorithm
    Implementation of the DMax function: Finds the maximum value of a column in an area with given conditions. TODO: - wildcards ? and * in string conditions - functions as conditions
    • Constructor Detail

      • DMax

        public DMax()
    • Method Detail

      • processMatch

        public boolean processMatch​(ValueEval eval)
        Description copied from interface: IDStarAlgorithm
        Process a match that is found during a run through a database.
        Specified by:
        processMatch in interface IDStarAlgorithm
        eval - ValueEval of the cell in the matching row. References will already be resolved.
        Whether we should continue iterating through the database.
      • getResult

        public ValueEval getResult()
        Description copied from interface: IDStarAlgorithm
        Return a result ValueEval that will be the result of the calculation. This is always called at the end of a run through the database.
        Specified by:
        getResult in interface IDStarAlgorithm
        a ValueEval