Class TblPtg

  • public final class TblPtg
    extends ControlPtg
    This ptg indicates a data table. It only occurs in a FORMULA record, never in an ARRAY or NAME record. When ptgTbl occurs in a formula, it is the only token in the formula. This indicates that the cell containing the formula is an interior cell in a data table; the table description is found in a TABLE record. Rows and columns which contain input values to be substituted in the table do not contain ptgTbl. See page 811 of the june 08 binary docs.
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Specified by:
        getSize in class Ptg
        the encoded length of this Ptg, including the initial Ptg type identifier byte.
      • getRow

        public int getRow()
      • getColumn

        public int getColumn()
      • toFormulaString

        public String toFormulaString()
        Description copied from class: Ptg
        return a string representation of this token alone
        Specified by:
        toFormulaString in class Ptg
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from class: Ptg
        Overridden toString method to ensure object hash is not printed. This helps get rid of gratuitous diffs when comparing two dumps Subclasses may output more relevant information by overriding this method
        toString in class Ptg