Interface Picture

    • Method Detail

      • resize

        void resize()
        Reset the image to the dimension of the embedded image
        See Also:
        resize(double, double)
      • resize

        void resize​(double scaleX,
                    double scaleY)
        Resize the image.

        Please note, that this method works correctly only for workbooks with the default font size (Arial 10pt for .xls and Calibri 11pt for .xlsx). If the default font is changed the resized image can be streched vertically or horizontally.

        resize(1.0,1.0) keeps the original size,
        resize(0.5,0.5) resize to 50% of the original,
        resize(2.0,2.0) resizes to 200% of the original.
        resize(Double.MAX_VALUE,Double.MAX_VALUE) resizes to the dimension of the embedded image.

        scaleX - the amount by which the image width is multiplied relative to the original width.
        scaleY - the amount by which the image height is multiplied relative to the original height.
      • getPreferredSize

        ClientAnchor getPreferredSize()
        Calculate the preferred size for this picture.
        XSSFClientAnchor with the preferred size for this image
      • getPreferredSize

        ClientAnchor getPreferredSize​(double scaleX,
                                      double scaleY)
        Calculate the preferred size for this picture.
        scaleX - the amount by which image width is multiplied relative to the original width.
        scaleY - the amount by which image height is multiplied relative to the original height.
        ClientAnchor with the preferred size for this image
      • getImageDimension

        Dimension getImageDimension()
        Return the dimension of the embedded image in pixel
        image dimension in pixels
      • getPictureData

        PictureData getPictureData()
        Return picture data for this picture
        picture data for this picture
      • getClientAnchor

        ClientAnchor getClientAnchor()
        the anchor that is used by this picture
      • getSheet

        Sheet getSheet()
        the sheet which contains the picture