Class ShapeTextVisitor

  • public class ShapeTextVisitor
    extends ShapeVisitor
    Only visits text nodes, accumulates text content into a string The text is returned in arbitrary order, with no regards to the location of the text on the page. This may change in the future.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShapeTextVisitor

        public ShapeTextVisitor()
    • Method Detail

      • visit

        public void visit​(XDGFShape shape,
                          AffineTransform globalTransform,
                          int level)
        Specified by:
        visit in class ShapeVisitor
        shape - Current shape
        globalTransform - A transform that can convert the shapes points to global coordinates
        level - Level in the tree (0 is topmost, 1 is next level...
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Call this after visitation has completed