Class XSSFFirstFooter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Footer, HeaderFooter

    public class XSSFFirstFooter
    extends XSSFHeaderFooter
    implements Footer

    First page footer content. Corresponds to first printed page. The first logical page in the sheet may not be printed, for example, if the print area is specified to be a range such that it falls outside the first page's scope.

    The first page footer is activated by the "Different First" Header/Footer property for the sheet. If this property is not set, the first page footer is ignored.

    Creating a first page header or footer sets this property by default, so all you need to do to get an first page header or footer to display is to create one. Likewise, if both the first page header and footer are usnset, then this property is unset, and the first page header and footer are ignored.