Class XSSFPasswordHelper

    • Method Detail

      • setPassword

        public static void setPassword​(XmlObject xobj,
                                       String password,
                                       HashAlgorithm hashAlgo,
                                       String prefix)
        Sets the XORed or hashed password
        xobj - the xmlbeans object which contains the password attributes
        password - the password, if null, the password attributes will be removed
        hashAlgo - the hash algorithm, if null the password will be XORed
        prefix - the prefix of the password attributes, may be null
      • validatePassword

        public static boolean validatePassword​(XmlObject xobj,
                                               String password,
                                               String prefix)
        Validates the password, i.e. calculates the hash of the given password and compares it against the stored hash
        xobj - the xmlbeans object which contains the password attributes
        password - the password, if null the method will always return false, even if there's no password set
        prefix - the prefix of the password attributes, may be null
        true, if the hashes match