Class XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy

  • public class XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy
    extends Object
    A .docx file can have no headers/footers, the same header/footer on each page, odd/even page footers, and optionally also a different header/footer on the first page. This class handles sorting out what there is, and giving you the right headers and footers for the document.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy

        public XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy​(XWPFDocument doc)
        Figures out the policy for the given document, and creates any header and footer objects as required.
      • XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy

        public XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy​(XWPFDocument doc,
                                      CTSectPr sectPr)
        Figures out the policy for the given document, and creates any header and footer objects as required.
    • Method Detail

      • createHeader

        public XWPFHeader createHeader​(STHdrFtr.Enum type)
        Creates an empty header of the specified type, containing a single empty paragraph, to which you can then set text, add more paragraphs etc.
      • createHeader

        public XWPFHeader createHeader​(STHdrFtr.Enum type,
                                       XWPFParagraph[] pars)
        Creates a new header of the specified type, to which the supplied (and previously unattached!) paragraphs are added to.
      • createFooter

        public XWPFFooter createFooter​(STHdrFtr.Enum type)
        Creates an empty footer of the specified type, containing a single empty paragraph, to which you can then set text, add more paragraphs etc.
      • createFooter

        public XWPFFooter createFooter​(STHdrFtr.Enum type,
                                       XWPFParagraph[] pars)
        Creates a new footer of the specified type, to which the supplied (and previously unattached!) paragraphs are added to.
      • getFirstPageHeader

        public XWPFHeader getFirstPageHeader()
      • getFirstPageFooter

        public XWPFFooter getFirstPageFooter()
      • getOddPageHeader

        public XWPFHeader getOddPageHeader()
        Returns the odd page header. This is also the same as the default one...
      • getOddPageFooter

        public XWPFFooter getOddPageFooter()
        Returns the odd page footer. This is also the same as the default one...
      • getEvenPageHeader

        public XWPFHeader getEvenPageHeader()
      • getEvenPageFooter

        public XWPFFooter getEvenPageFooter()
      • getDefaultHeader

        public XWPFHeader getDefaultHeader()
      • getDefaultFooter

        public XWPFFooter getDefaultFooter()
      • getHeader

        public XWPFHeader getHeader​(int pageNumber)
        Get the header that applies to the given (1 based) page.
        pageNumber - The one based page number
      • getHeader

        public XWPFHeader getHeader​(STHdrFtr.Enum type)
        Get this section header for the given type
        type - of header to return
        XWPFHeader object
      • getFooter

        public XWPFFooter getFooter​(int pageNumber)
        Get the footer that applies to the given (1 based) page.
        pageNumber - The one based page number
      • getFooter

        public XWPFFooter getFooter​(STHdrFtr.Enum type)
        Get this section footer for the given type
        type - of footer to return
        XWPFFooter object
      • createWatermark

        public void createWatermark​(String text)