Class XWPFTableRow

  • public class XWPFTableRow
    extends Object
    A row within an XWPFTable. Rows mostly just have sizings and stylings, the interesting content lives inside the child XWPFTableCells
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • createCell

        public XWPFTableCell createCell()
        create a new XWPFTableCell and add it to the tableCell-list of this tableRow
        the newly created XWPFTableCell
      • removeCell

        public void removeCell​(int pos)
      • addNewTableCell

        public XWPFTableCell addNewTableCell()
        adds a new TableCell at the end of this tableRow
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight()
        This element specifies the height of the current table row within the current table. This height shall be used to determine the resulting height of the table row, which may be absolute or relative (depending on its attribute values). If omitted, then the table row shall automatically resize its height to the height required by its contents (the equivalent of an hRule value of auto).
      • setHeight

        public void setHeight​(int height)
        This element specifies the height of the current table row within the current table. This height shall be used to determine the resulting height of the table row, which may be absolute or relative (depending on its attribute values). If omitted, then the table row shall automatically resize its height to the height required by its contents (the equivalent of an hRule value of auto).
        height -
      • getTableICells

        public List<ICell> getTableICells()
        create and return a list of all XWPFTableCell who belongs to this row
        a list of XWPFTableCell
      • getTableCells

        public List<XWPFTableCell> getTableCells()
        create and return a list of all XWPFTableCell who belongs to this row
        a list of XWPFTableCell
      • getTableCell

        public XWPFTableCell getTableCell​(CTTc cell)
        returns the XWPFTableCell which belongs to the CTTC cell if there is no XWPFTableCell which belongs to the parameter CTTc cell null will be returned
      • isCantSplitRow

        public boolean isCantSplitRow()
        Return true if the "can't split row" value is true. The logic for this attribute is a little unusual: a TRUE value means DON'T allow rows to split, FALSE means allow rows to split.
        true if rows can't be split, false otherwise.
      • setCantSplitRow

        public void setCantSplitRow​(boolean split)
        Controls whether to allow this table row to split across pages. The logic for this attribute is a little unusual: a true value means DON'T allow rows to split, false means allow rows to split.
        split - - if true, don't allow row to be split. If false, allow row to be split.
      • isRepeatHeader

        public boolean isRepeatHeader()
        Return true if a table's header row should be repeated at the top of a table split across pages. NOTE - Word will not repeat a table row unless all preceding rows of the table are also repeated. This function returns false if the row will not be repeated even if the repeat tag is present for this row.
        true if table's header row should be repeated at the top of each page of table, false otherwise.
      • setRepeatHeader

        public void setRepeatHeader​(boolean repeat)
        This attribute controls whether to repeat a table's header row at the top of a table split across pages. NOTE - for a row to be repeated, all preceding rows in the table must also be repeated.
        repeat - - if TRUE, repeat header row at the top of each page of table; if FALSE, don't repeat header row.