Interface SlingHttpServletRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Adaptable, HttpServletRequest, ServletRequest
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    FormsHandlingRequest, RedirectRequest, SlingHttpServletRequestWrapper

    public interface SlingHttpServletRequest
    extends HttpServletRequest, Adaptable
    The SlingHttpServletRequest defines the interface to provide client request information to a servlet.

    Request Parameters Generally request parameters are transmitted as part of the URL string such as GET /some/path?param=value or as request data of content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. The Sling Framework must decode parameters transferred as request data and make them available through the various parameter accessor methods. Generally parameters transferred as multipart/form-data will be accessed by one of the methods returning RequestParameter instances.

    In any case, the ServletRequest.getReader() and ServletRequest.getInputStream() methods will throw an IllegalStateException if called after any methods returning request parameters if the request content type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data because the request data has already been processed.

    Starting with Sling API 2.0.6, this interface als extends the Adaptable interface.

    • Method Detail

      • getResource

        @NotNull Resource getResource()
        Returns the Resource object on whose behalf the servlet acts.
        The Resource object of this request.
      • getRequestPathInfo

        @NotNull RequestPathInfo getRequestPathInfo()
        Returns the RequestPathInfo pertaining to this request.
        the request path info.
      • getRequestParameter

        @Nullable RequestParameter getRequestParameter​(@NotNull
                                                       @NotNull String name)
        Returns the value of a request parameter as a RequestParameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.

        This method should only be used if the parameter has only one value. If the parameter might have more than one value, use getRequestParameters(String).

        If this method is used with a multivalued parameter, the value returned is equal to the first value in the array returned by getRequestParameters.

        This method is a shortcut for getRequestParameterMap().getValue(String).

        name - a String specifying the name of the parameter
        a RequestParameter representing the single value of the parameter
        IllegalArgumentException - if name is null.
        See Also:
        getRequestParameters(String), RequestParameterMap.getValue(String)
      • getRequestParameters

        @Nullable RequestParameter[] getRequestParameters​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull String name)
        Returns an array of RequestParameter objects containing all of the values the given request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist.

        If the parameter has a single value, the array has a length of 1.

        This method is a shortcut for getRequestParameterMap().getValues(String).

        name - a String containing the name of the parameter the value of which is requested
        an array of RequestParameter objects containing the parameter values.
        IllegalArgumentException - if name is null.
        See Also:
        getRequestParameter(String), RequestParameterMap.getValues(String)
      • getRequestParameterMap

        @NotNull RequestParameterMap getRequestParameterMap()
        Returns a Map of the parameters of this request.

        The values in the returned Map are from type RequestParameter array (RequestParameter[]).

        If no parameters exist this method returns an empty Map.

        an immutable Map containing parameter names as keys and parameter values as map values, or an empty Map if no parameters exist. The keys in the parameter map are of type String. The values in the parameter map are of type RequestParameter array (RequestParameter[]).
      • getRequestParameterList

        @NotNull List<RequestParameter> getRequestParameterList()
        Returns the request parameters as instances of the RequestParameter interface in the order or the request where the query string parameters are first and the POST request parameters are second.
        The list of RequestParameter in request declaration order.
        2.3 (Sling API Bundle 2.6.0)
      • getRequestDispatcher

        @Nullable RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher​(@NotNull
                                                         @NotNull String path,
                                                         RequestDispatcherOptions options)
        Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path. A RequestDispatcher object can be used to include the resource in a response.

        Returns null if a RequestDispatcher cannot be returned for any reason.

        path - a String specifying the pathname to the resource. If it is relative, it must be relative against the current servlet.
        options - influence the rendering of the included Resource
        a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource or null if an error occurs preparing the dispatcher.
      • getRequestDispatcher

        @Nullable RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher​(@NotNull
                                                         @NotNull Resource resource,
                                                         RequestDispatcherOptions options)
        Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given resource. A RequestDispatcher object can be used to include the resource in a response.

        Returns null if a RequestDispatcher cannot be returned for any reason.

        resource - The Resource instance whose response content may be included by the returned dispatcher.
        options - influence the rendering of the included Resource
        a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource or null if an error occurs preparing the dispatcher.
      • getRequestDispatcher

        @Nullable RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher​(@NotNull
                                                         @NotNull Resource resource)
        resource - The Resource instance whose response content may be included by the returned dispatcher.
        a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource or null if an error occurs preparing the dispatcher.
      • getCookie

        @Nullable Cookie getCookie​(String name)
        Returns the named cookie from the HTTP request or null if no such cookie exists in the request.
        name - The name of the cookie to return.
        The named cookie or null if no such cookie exists.
      • getResponseContentType

        @Nullable String getResponseContentType()
        Returns the framework preferred content type for the response. The content type only includes the MIME type, not the character set.

        For included resources this method will returned the same string as returned by the ServletResponse.getContentType() without the character set.

        preferred MIME type of the response
      • getResponseContentTypes

        @NotNull Enumeration<String> getResponseContentTypes()
        Gets a list of content types which the framework accepts for the response. This list is ordered with the most preferable types listed first. The content type only includes the MIME type, not the character set.

        For included resources this method will returned an enumeration containing a single entry which is the same string as returned by the ServletResponse.getContentType() without the character set.

        ordered list of MIME types for the response
      • getResourceBundle

        @Nullable ResourceBundle getResourceBundle​(Locale locale)
        Returns the resource bundle for the given locale.
        locale - the locale for which to retrieve the resource bundle. If this is null, the locale returned by ServletRequest.getLocale() is used to select the resource bundle.
        the resource bundle for the given locale
      • getResourceBundle

        @Nullable ResourceBundle getResourceBundle​(String baseName,
                                                   Locale locale)
        Returns the resource bundle of the given base name for the given locale.
        baseName - The base name of the resource bundle to returned. If this parameter is null, the same resource bundle must be returned as if the getResourceBundle(Locale) method is called.
        locale - the locale for which to retrieve the resource bundle. If this is null, the locale returned by ServletRequest.getLocale() is used to select the resource bundle.
        the resource bundle for the given locale