Class SlingRequestPaths

  • public class SlingRequestPaths
    extends Object
    This class is not a "wrapper" per se, but computes the correct path info, request URI, etc. for included requests. When including a request via RequestDispatcher, the Servlet API specifies that target paths of the included request are available as request attributes. Request.getPathInfo(), for example will return the value for the including request, *not* for the included one.

    This class is not intended to be extended or instantiated because it just provides constants and static utility methods not intended to be overwritten.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String INCLUDE_CONTEXT_PATH
        Attribute name used by the RequestDispatcher to indicate the context path of the included request, as a String.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INCLUDE_PATH_INFO
        Attribute name used by the RequestDispatcher to indicate the path info of the included request, as a String.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INCLUDE_QUERY_STRING
        Attribute name used by the RequestDispatcher to indicate the query string of the included request, as a String.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INCLUDE_REQUEST_URI
        Attribute name used by the RequestDispatcher to indicate the request URI of the included request, as a String.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH
        Attribute name used by the RequestDispatcher to indicate the servlet path of the included request, as a String.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SlingRequestPaths

        public SlingRequestPaths()
    • Method Detail

      • getContextPath

        public static String getContextPath​(HttpServletRequest r)
        Return the context path for r, using the appropriate request attribute if the request is an included one.
        r - The request
        The context path.
      • getPathInfo

        public static String getPathInfo​(HttpServletRequest r)
        Return the context path for r, using the appropriate request attribute if the request is an included one.
        r - The request
        The path info.
      • getQueryString

        public static String getQueryString​(HttpServletRequest r)
        Return the query string for r, using the appropriate request attribute if the request is an included one.
        r - The request
        The query string.
      • getRequestURI

        public static String getRequestURI​(HttpServletRequest r)
        Return the request URI for r, using the appropriate request attribute if the request is an included one.
        r - The request
        The request uri.
      • getServletPath

        public static String getServletPath​(HttpServletRequest r)
        Return the servlet path for r, using the appropriate request attribute if the request is an included one.
        r - The request
        The servlet path.
      • isIncluded

        public static boolean isIncluded​(HttpServletRequest r)
        True if r is an included request, in which case it has the INCLUDE_REQUEST_URI attribute
        r - The request
        true if this is an include.