Class Version

  • public class Version
    extends Object
    [lifted from xalan] Administrative class to keep track of the version number of the standard tag library.

    This class implements the upcoming standard of having org.apache.project-name.Version.getVersion() be a standard way to get version information.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Version

        public Version()
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public static String getVersion()
        Get the basic version string for the current release. Version String formatted like "standard-taglib v.r[.dd| Dnn]".

        Futurework: have this read version info from jar manifest.

        String denoting our current version
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] argv)
        Print the processor version to the command line.
        argv - command line arguments, unused.
      • getProduct

        public static String getProduct()
        Name of product
      • getMajorVersionNum

        public static int getMajorVersionNum()
        Major version number. Version number. This changes only when there is a significant, externally apparent enhancement from the previous release. 'n' represents the n'th version.

        Clients should carefully consider the implications of new versions as external interfaces and behaviour may have changed.

      • getReleaseVersionNum

        public static int getReleaseVersionNum()
        Release Number. Release number. This changes when: - a new set of functionality is to be added, eg, implementation of a new W3C specification. - API or behaviour change. - its designated as a reference release.
      • getMaintenanceVersionNum

        public static int getMaintenanceVersionNum()
        Maintenance Drop Number. Optional identifier used to designate maintenance drop applied to a specific release and contains fixes for defects reported. It maintains compatibility with the release and contains no API changes. When missing, it designates the final and complete development drop for a release.
      • getDevelopmentVersionNum

        public static int getDevelopmentVersionNum()
        Development Drop Number. Optional identifier designates development drop of a specific release. D01 is the first development drop of a new release.

        Development drops are works in progress towards a compeleted, final release. A specific development drop may not completely implement all aspects of a new feature, which may take several development drops to complete. At the point of the final drop for the release, the D suffix will be omitted.

        Each 'D' drops can contain functional enhancements as well as defect fixes. 'D' drops may not be as stable as the final releases.