Class OfficeParserConfig

    • Constructor Detail

      • OfficeParserConfig

        public OfficeParserConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • setExtractMacros

        public void setExtractMacros​(boolean extractMacros)
        Sets whether or not MSOffice parsers should extract macros. As of Tika 1.15, the default is false.
        extractMacros -
      • getExtractMacros

        public boolean getExtractMacros()
        whether or not to extract macros
      • setIncludeDeletedContent

        public void setIncludeDeletedContent​(boolean includeDeletedContent)
        Sets whether or not the parser should include deleted content.

        This has only been implemented in the streaming docx parser (SXWPFWordExtractorDecorator so far!!!

        includeDeletedContent -
      • getIncludeDeletedContent

        public boolean getIncludeDeletedContent()
      • setIncludeMoveFromContent

        public void setIncludeMoveFromContent​(boolean includeMoveFromContent)
        With track changes on, when a section is moved, the content is stored in both the "moveFrom" section and in the "moveTo" section.

        If you'd like to include the section both in its original location (moveFrom) and in its new location (moveTo), set this to true

        Default: false

        This has only been implemented in the streaming docx parser (SXWPFWordExtractorDecorator so far!!!

        includeMoveFromContent -
      • getIncludeMoveFromContent

        public boolean getIncludeMoveFromContent()
      • setIncludeShapeBasedContent

        public void setIncludeShapeBasedContent​(boolean includeShapeBasedContent)
        In Excel and Word, there can be text stored within drawing shapes. (In PowerPoint everything is in a Shape)

        If you'd like to skip processing these to look for text, set this to false

        Default: true

        includeShapeBasedContent -
      • getIncludeShapeBasedContent

        public boolean getIncludeShapeBasedContent()
      • setIncludeHeadersAndFooters

        public void setIncludeHeadersAndFooters​(boolean includeHeadersAndFooters)
        Whether or not to include headers and footers.

        This only operates on headers and footers in Word and Excel, not master slide content in Powerpoint.

        Default: true

        includeHeadersAndFooters -
      • getIncludeHeadersAndFooters

        public boolean getIncludeHeadersAndFooters()
      • getUseSAXDocxExtractor

        public boolean getUseSAXDocxExtractor()
      • setUseSAXDocxExtractor

        public void setUseSAXDocxExtractor​(boolean useSAXDocxExtractor)
        Use the experimental SAX-based streaming DOCX parser? If set to false, the classic parser will be used; if true, the new experimental parser will be used.

        Default: false (classic DOM parser)

        useSAXDocxExtractor -
      • setUseSAXPptxExtractor

        public void setUseSAXPptxExtractor​(boolean useSAXPptxExtractor)
        Use the experimental SAX-based streaming DOCX parser? If set to false, the classic parser will be used; if true, the new experimental parser will be used.

        Default: false (classic DOM parser)

        useSAXPptxExtractor -
      • getUseSAXPptxExtractor

        public boolean getUseSAXPptxExtractor()
      • getConcatenatePhoneticRuns

        public boolean getConcatenatePhoneticRuns()
      • setConcatenatePhoneticRuns

        public void setConcatenatePhoneticRuns​(boolean concatenatePhoneticRuns)
        Microsoft Excel files can sometimes contain phonetic (furigana) strings. See PHONETIC. This sets whether or not the parser will concatenate the phonetic runs to the original text.

        This is currently only supported by the xls and xlsx parsers (not the xlsb parser), and the default is true.

        concatenatePhoneticRuns -
      • setExtractAllAlternativesFromMSG

        public void setExtractAllAlternativesFromMSG​(boolean extractAllAlternativesFromMSG)
        Some .msg files can contain body content in html, rtf and/or text. The default behavior is to pick the first non-null value and include only that. If you'd like to extract all non-null body content, which is likely duplicative, set this value to true.
        extractAllAlternativesFromMSG - whether or not to extract all alternative parts
      • getExtractAllAlternativesFromMSG

        public boolean getExtractAllAlternativesFromMSG()
      • setIncludeMissingRows

        public void setIncludeMissingRows​(boolean includeMissingRows)
        For table-like formats, and tables within other formats, should missing rows in sparse tables be output where detected? The default is to only output rows defined within the file, which avoid lots of blank lines, but means layout isn't preserved.
      • getIncludeMissingRows

        public boolean getIncludeMissingRows()
      • getIncludeSlideNotes

        public boolean getIncludeSlideNotes()
      • setIncludeSlideNotes

        public void setIncludeSlideNotes​(boolean includeSlideNotes)
        Whether or not to process slide notes content. If set to false, the parser will skip the text content and all embedded objects from the slide notes in ppt and ppt[xm]. The default is true.
        includeSlideNotes - whether or not to process slide notes
      • getIncludeSlideMasterContent

        public boolean getIncludeSlideMasterContent()
        whether or not to process content in slide masters
      • setIncludeSlideMasterContent

        public void setIncludeSlideMasterContent​(boolean includeSlideMasterContent)
        Whether or not to include contents from any of the three types of masters -- slide, notes, handout -- in a .ppt or ppt[xm] file. If set to false, the parser will not extract text or embedded objects from any of the masters.
        includeSlideMasterContent -
      • getDateFormatOverride

        public String getDateFormatOverride()
      • setDateOverrideFormat

        public void setDateOverrideFormat​(String format)
        A user may wish to override the date formats in xls and xlsx files. For example, a user might prefer 'yyyy-mm-dd' to 'mm/dd/yy'. Note: these formats are "Excel formats" not Java's SimpleDateFormat
        format -