Class QNameSetBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • QNameSetBuilder

        public QNameSetBuilder()
        Constructs an empty QNameSetBuilder.
      • QNameSetBuilder

        public QNameSetBuilder​(QNameSetSpecification set)
        Constructs a QNameSetBuilder whose initial contents are given by another QNameSetSpecification.
        set - the QNameSetSpecificaiton to copy
      • QNameSetBuilder

        public QNameSetBuilder​(Set excludedURIs,
                               Set includedURIs,
                               Set excludedQNamesInIncludedURIs,
                               Set includedQNamesInExcludedURIs)
        Constructs a QNameSetBuilder whose inital contents are given by the four sets. Exactly one of either excludedURIs or includedURIs must be non-null.
        excludedURIs - the finite set of namespace URI strings to exclude from the set, or null if this set is infinite
        includedURIs - the finite set of namespace URI strings to include in the set, or null if this set is infinite
        excludedQNamesInIncludedURIs - the finite set of exceptional QNames to exclude from the included namespaces
        excludedQNamesInIncludedURIs - the finite set of exceptional QNames to include that are in the excluded namespaces
      • QNameSetBuilder

        public QNameSetBuilder​(String str,
                               String targetURI)
        Constructs a QNameSetBuilder whose initial contents are given as a list of namespace URIs, using the same format used by wildcards in XSD files.
        str - a wildcard namespace specification string such as "##any", "##other", "##local", "##targetNamespace", or a space-separated list of URIs.
        targetURI - the current targetNamespace
    • Method Detail

      • contains

        public boolean contains​(QName name)
        True if this ModelTransitionSet contains the given qname.
        Specified by:
        contains in interface QNameSetSpecification
      • isAll

        public boolean isAll()
        True if this ModelTransitionSet contains all QNames.
        Specified by:
        isAll in interface QNameSetSpecification
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        True if this ModelTransitionSet contains no QNames.
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface QNameSetSpecification
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears this QNameSetBuilder
      • invert

        public void invert()
        Inverts this QNameSetBuilder.
      • add

        public void add​(QName qname)
        Adds a single QName to this QNameSetBuilder.
      • addNamespace

        public void addNamespace​(String uri)
        Adds an entire namespace URI of QNames to this QNameSetBuilder. The empty string is used to signifiy the (local) no-namespace.
      • addAll

        public void addAll​(QNameSetSpecification set)
        Adds the contents of another QNameSet to this QNameSetBuilder.
      • remove

        public void remove​(QName qname)
        Removes the given qname from this QNameSetBuilder.
      • removeNamespace

        public void removeNamespace​(String uri)
        Removes an entire namespace URI from this QNameSetBuilder.
      • removeAll

        public void removeAll​(QNameSetSpecification set)
        Removes all contents of a given QNameSet from this QNameSetBuilder.
      • restrict

        public void restrict​(QNameSetSpecification set)
        Restricts the contents of this QNameSetBuilder to be a subset of the given QNameSet. In other words, computes an intersection.
      • excludedURIs

        public Set excludedURIs()
        Description copied from interface: QNameSetSpecification
        The finite set of namespace URIs that are almost completely excluded from the set (that is, each namespace URI that included in the set with with a finite number of QName exceptions). Null if the set of namespaceURIs that are almost completely included is infinite.

        Null (meaning almost all URIs excluded) if includedURIs() is non-null; non-null otherwise.

        The same set as inverse().includedURIs().

        Specified by:
        excludedURIs in interface QNameSetSpecification
      • includedURIs

        public Set includedURIs()
        Description copied from interface: QNameSetSpecification
        The finite set of namespace URIs that are almost completely included in the set (that is, each namespace URI that included in the set with with a finite number of QName exceptions). Null if the set of namespaceURIs that are almost completely included is infinite.

        Null (meaning almost all URIs included) if excludedURIs() is non-null; non-null otherwise.

        The same as inverse.excludedURIs().

        Specified by:
        includedURIs in interface QNameSetSpecification
      • excludedQNamesInIncludedURIs

        public Set excludedQNamesInIncludedURIs()
        Description copied from interface: QNameSetSpecification
        The finite set of QNames that are excluded from the set within namespaces that are otherwise included. Should only contain QNames within namespace that are within the set includedURIs() (or any URI, if includedURIs() is null, which means that all URIs are almost completely included).

        Never null.

        The same set as inverse().includedQNames().

        Specified by:
        excludedQNamesInIncludedURIs in interface QNameSetSpecification
      • includedQNamesInExcludedURIs

        public Set includedQNamesInExcludedURIs()
        Description copied from interface: QNameSetSpecification
        The finite set of QNames that are included in the set within namespaces that are otherwise excluded. Should only contain QNames within namespace that are within the set excludedURIs() (or any URI, if excludedURIs() is null, which means that all URIs are almost completely excluded).

        Never null.

        The same as inverse().excludedQNames().

        Specified by:
        includedQNamesInExcludedURIs in interface QNameSetSpecification
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation useful for debugging, subject to change.
        toString in class Object
      • toQNameSet

        public QNameSet toQNameSet()
        Returns a QNameSet equivalent to the current state of this QNameSetBuilder.