Class XmlLineNumber

  • public class XmlLineNumber
    extends XmlCursor.XmlBookmark
    A subclass of XmlBookmark that holds line number information. If a document is parsed with line numbers enabled, these bookmarks will be placed at appropriate locations within the document.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlLineNumber

        public XmlLineNumber​(int line)
        Constructs a line number with no column or offset information.
        line - the line number - the first line is 1
      • XmlLineNumber

        public XmlLineNumber​(int line,
                             int column)
        Constructs a line number and column with no file offset information.
        line - the line number - the first line is 1
        line - the column number - the first column is 1
      • XmlLineNumber

        public XmlLineNumber​(int line,
                             int column,
                             int offset)
        Constructs a line number and column with no file offset information.
        line - the line number - the first line is 1
        line - the column number - the first column is 1
        line - the file character offset - the first character in the file is 0
    • Method Detail

      • getLine

        public int getLine()
        Returns the 1-based line number, or -1 if not known.
      • getColumn

        public int getColumn()
        Returns the 1-based column number, or -1 if not known.
      • getOffset

        public int getOffset()
        Returns the 0-based file offset number, or -1 if not known.