Interface MInvokable

    • Method Detail

      • addException

        void addException​(String qualifiedClassName)

        Adds a declaration of a checked exception of the given type.

        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null or is not a valid class name.
      • addException

        void addException​(JClass exceptionClass)

        Adds a declaration of a checked exception of the given type.

        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null or represents a class which does not extend throwable.
      • removeException

        void removeException​(String qualifiedClassName)
        Removes a declaration of a checked exception of the named class. Does nothing if no such declaration exists.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null or is not a valid class name.
      • removeException

        void removeException​(JClass exceptionClass)
        Removes a declaration of a checked exception of the given class. Does nothing if no such declaration exists.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null.
      • addNewParameter

        MParameter addNewParameter()
        Creates a new parameter on this method of type java.lang.Object and with a default name.
      • removeParameter

        void removeParameter​(MParameter parameter)
        Removes the given parameter. Does nothing if the parameter is not present on this method.
        IllegalArgumentException - if either parameter is null.
      • getMutableParameters

        MParameter[] getMutableParameters()
        Returns all of the parameters on this method, or an empty array if there are none. This is simply a more strongly-typed version of getParameters().