Class JamClassBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • JamClassBuilder

        public JamClassBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(ElementContext ctx)
        This method is called by JAM to initialize this class builder. Extending classes can override this to perform additional initialization work (just remember to call super.init()!).
        ctx -
      • build

        public abstract MClass build​(String packageName,
                                     String className)

        This is called by JAM when it attempts to load a class. If the builder has access to an artifact (typically a java source or classfile) that represents the given type, it should call createClassToBuild() to get a new instance of MClass and then return it. No caching should be performed - if an MClass is going to be returned, it should be a new instance returned by createClassToBuild()

        If no artififact is available, the builder should just return null, signalling that other JamClassBuilders should attempt to build the class.

        packageName -
        className -