Class SOAPException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SOAPException
    extends Exception
    An exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred. A SOAPException object may contain a String that gives the reason for the exception, an embedded Throwable object, or both. This class provides methods for retrieving reason messages and for retrieving the embedded Throwable object.

    Typical reasons for throwing a SOAPException object are problems such as difficulty setting a header, not being able to send a message, and not being able to get a connection with the provider. Reasons for embedding a Throwable object include problems such as input/output errors or a parsing problem, such as an error in parsing a header.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SOAPException

        public SOAPException()
        Constructs a SOAPException object with no reason or embedded Throwable object.
      • SOAPException

        public SOAPException​(String reason)
        Constructs a SOAPException object with the given String as the reason for the exception being thrown.
        reason - a description of what caused the exception
      • SOAPException

        public SOAPException​(String reason,
                             Throwable cause)
        Constructs a SOAPException object with the given String as the reason for the exception being thrown and the given Throwable object as an embedded exception.
        reason - a description of what caused the exception
        cause - a Throwable object that is to be embedded in this SOAPException object
      • SOAPException

        public SOAPException​(Throwable cause)
        Constructs a SOAPException object initialized with the given Throwable object.
        cause - a Throwable object that is to be embedded in this SOAPException object
    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Returns the detail message for this SOAPException object.

        If there is an embedded Throwable object, and if the SOAPException object has no detail message of its own, this method will return the detail message from the embedded Throwable object.

        getMessage in class Throwable
        the error or warning message for this SOAPException or, if it has none, the message of the embedded Throwable object, if there is one
      • getCause

        public Throwable getCause()
        Returns the Throwable object embedded in this SOAPException if there is one. Otherwise, this method returns null.
        getCause in class Throwable
        the embedded Throwable object or null if there is none