Class Diff

  • public class Diff
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Diff

        public Diff()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • jarsAsTypeSystems

        public static void jarsAsTypeSystems​(JarFile jar1,
                                             JarFile jar2,
                                             List diffs)
        Diffs the contents of two jars, looking only at the schema typesystems saved inside those jars
      • dirsAsTypeSystems

        public static void dirsAsTypeSystems​(File dir1,
                                             File dir2,
                                             List diffs)
        Diffs the contents of two dirs looking only at the xsb files contained in these two dirs Updated diffs with a list of differences (for the time being, strings describing the difference)
      • filesAsXsb

        public static void filesAsXsb​(File file1,
                                      File file2,
                                      List diffs)
        Diffs the two given files assuming they are in xsb format Updates diffs with differences in string format