Class SchemaCopy

  • public class SchemaCopy
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaCopy

        public SchemaCopy()
    • Method Detail

      • printUsage

        public static void printUsage()
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • findAllRelative

        public static Map findAllRelative​(URI source,
                                          URI target)
        Copies the schema or wsdl at the source URI to the target URI, along with any relative references. The target URI should be a file URI. If doCopy is false, the file copies are not actually done; the map returned just describes the copies that would have been done.
        source - an arbitrary URI describing a source Schema or WSDL
        target - a file URI describing a target filename
        a map of all the source/target URIs needed to copy the file along with all its relative referents.