Class Schema

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class Schema
    extends Object
    Abstract class representing a TSSL schema. Actual TSSL schemas are compiled into concrete subclasses of this class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Schema

        public Schema()
    • Method Detail

      • elementType

        public void elementType​(String name,
                                int model,
                                int memberOf,
                                int flags)
        Add or replace an element type for this schema.
        name - Name (Qname) of the element
        model - Models of the element's content as a vector of bits
        memberOf - Models the element is a member of as a vector of bits
        flags - Flags for the element
      • rootElementType

        public ElementType rootElementType()
        Get the root element of this schema
      • attribute

        public void attribute​(String elemName,
                              String attrName,
                              String type,
                              String value)
        Add or replace a default attribute for an element type in this schema.
        elemName - Name (Qname) of the element type
        attrName - Name (Qname) of the attribute
        type - Type of the attribute
        value - Default value of the attribute; null if no default
      • parent

        public void parent​(String name,
                           String parentName)
        Specify natural parent of an element in this schema.
        name - Name of the child element
        parentName - Name of the parent element
      • entity

        public void entity​(String name,
                           int value)
        Add to or replace a character entity in this schema.
        name - Name of the entity
        value - Value of the entity
      • getElementType

        public ElementType getElementType​(String name)
        Get an ElementType by name.
        name - Name (Qname) of the element type
        The corresponding ElementType
      • getEntity

        public int getEntity​(String name)
        Get an entity value by name.
        name - Name of the entity
        The corresponding character, or 0 if none
      • getURI

        public String getURI()
        Return the URI (namespace name) of this schema.
      • getPrefix

        public String getPrefix()
        Return the prefix of this schema.
      • setURI

        public void setURI​(String uri)
        Change the URI (namespace name) of this schema.
      • setPrefix

        public void setPrefix​(String prefix)
        Change the prefix of this schema.