Class DecoratedDurationField

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<DurationField>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class DecoratedDurationField
    extends BaseDurationField
    DecoratedDurationField extends BaseDurationField, implementing only the minimum required set of methods. These implemented methods delegate to a wrapped field.

    This design allows new DurationField types to be defined that piggyback on top of another, inheriting all the safe method implementations from BaseDurationField. Should any method require pure delegation to the wrapped field, simply override and use the provided getWrappedField method.

    DecoratedDurationField is thread-safe and immutable, and its subclasses must be as well.

    See Also:
    DelegatedDurationField, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DecoratedDurationField

        public DecoratedDurationField​(DurationField field,
                                      DurationFieldType type)
        field - the base field
        type - the type to actually use
    • Method Detail

      • getWrappedField

        public final DurationField getWrappedField()
        Gets the wrapped duration field.
        the wrapped DurationField
      • isPrecise

        public boolean isPrecise()
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Is this field precise. A precise field can calculate its value from milliseconds without needing a reference date. Put another way, a precise field's unit size is not variable.
        Specified by:
        isPrecise in class DurationField
        true if precise
        See Also:
      • getValueAsLong

        public long getValueAsLong​(long duration,
                                   long instant)
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Get the value of this field from the milliseconds relative to an instant. For precise fields this method produces the same result as for the single argument get method.

        If the millisecond duration is positive, then the instant is treated as a "start instant". If negative, the instant is treated as an "end instant".

        Specified by:
        getValueAsLong in class DurationField
        duration - the milliseconds to query, which may be negative
        instant - the start instant to calculate relative to
        the value of the field, in the units of the field, which may be negative
      • getMillis

        public long getMillis​(int value,
                              long instant)
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Get the millisecond duration of this field from its value relative to an instant. For precise fields this method produces the same result as for the single argument getMillis method.

        If the value is positive, then the instant is treated as a "start instant". If negative, the instant is treated as an "end instant".

        Specified by:
        getMillis in class DurationField
        value - the value of the field, which may be negative
        instant - the instant to calculate relative to
        the millisecond duration that the field represents, which may be negative
      • getMillis

        public long getMillis​(long value,
                              long instant)
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Get the millisecond duration of this field from its value relative to an instant. For precise fields this method produces the same result as for the single argument getMillis method.

        If the value is positive, then the instant is treated as a "start instant". If negative, the instant is treated as an "end instant".

        Specified by:
        getMillis in class DurationField
        value - the value of the field, which may be negative
        instant - the instant to calculate relative to
        the millisecond duration that the field represents, which may be negative
      • add

        public long add​(long instant,
                        int value)
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Adds a duration value (which may be negative) to the instant.
        Specified by:
        add in class DurationField
        instant - the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to add to
        value - the value to add, in the units of the field
        the updated milliseconds
      • add

        public long add​(long instant,
                        long value)
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Adds a duration value (which may be negative) to the instant.
        Specified by:
        add in class DurationField
        instant - the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to add to
        value - the value to add, in the units of the field
        the updated milliseconds
      • getDifferenceAsLong

        public long getDifferenceAsLong​(long minuendInstant,
                                        long subtrahendInstant)
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Computes the difference between two instants, as measured in the units of this field. Any fractional units are dropped from the result. Calling getDifference reverses the effect of calling add. In the following code:
         long instant = ...
         long v = ...
         long age = getDifferenceAsLong(add(instant, v), instant);
        The value 'age' is the same as the value 'v'.
        Specified by:
        getDifferenceAsLong in class DurationField
        minuendInstant - the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to subtract from
        subtrahendInstant - the milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to subtract off the minuend
        the difference in the units of this field
      • getUnitMillis

        public long getUnitMillis()
        Description copied from class: DurationField
        Returns the amount of milliseconds per unit value of this field. For example, if this field represents "seconds", then this returns the milliseconds in one second.

        For imprecise fields, the unit size is variable, and so this method returns a suitable average value.

        Specified by:
        getUnitMillis in class DurationField
        the unit size of this field, in milliseconds
        See Also: