Interface ErrorReporter

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ErrorCollector, ToolErrorReporter

    public interface ErrorReporter
    This is interface defines a protocol for the reporting of errors during JavaScript translation or execution.
    • Method Detail

      • warning

        void warning​(String message,
                     String sourceName,
                     int line,
                     String lineSource,
                     int lineOffset)
        Report a warning. The implementing class may choose to ignore the warning if it desires.
        message - a String describing the warning
        sourceName - a String describing the JavaScript source where the warning occured; typically a filename or URL
        line - the line number associated with the warning
        lineSource - the text of the line (may be null)
        lineOffset - the offset into lineSource where problem was detected
      • error

        void error​(String message,
                   String sourceName,
                   int line,
                   String lineSource,
                   int lineOffset)
        Report an error. The implementing class is free to throw an exception if it desires. If execution has not yet begun, the JavaScript engine is free to find additional errors rather than terminating the translation. It will not execute a script that had errors, however.
        message - a String describing the error
        sourceName - a String describing the JavaScript source where the error occured; typically a filename or URL
        line - the line number associated with the error
        lineSource - the text of the line (may be null)
        lineOffset - the offset into lineSource where problem was detected
      • runtimeError

        EvaluatorException runtimeError​(String message,
                                        String sourceName,
                                        int line,
                                        String lineSource,
                                        int lineOffset)
        Creates an EvaluatorException that may be thrown. runtimeErrors, unlike errors, will always terminate the current script.
        message - a String describing the error
        sourceName - a String describing the JavaScript source where the error occured; typically a filename or URL
        line - the line number associated with the error
        lineSource - the text of the line (may be null)
        lineOffset - the offset into lineSource where problem was detected
        an EvaluatorException that will be thrown.