Class Synchronizer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Callable, Function, Scriptable

    public class Synchronizer
    extends Delegator
    This class provides support for implementing Java-style synchronized methods in Javascript. Synchronized functions are created from ordinary Javascript functions by the Synchronizer constructor, e.g. new The resulting object is a function that establishes an exclusive lock on the this object of its invocation. The Rhino shell provides a short-cut for the creation of synchronized methods: sync(fun) has the same effect as calling the above constructor.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • Synchronizer

        public Synchronizer​(Scriptable obj)
        Create a new synchronized function from an existing one.
        obj - the existing function
      • Synchronizer

        public Synchronizer​(Scriptable obj,
                            Object syncObject)
        Create a new synchronized function from an existing one using an explicit object as synchronization object.
        obj - the existing function
        syncObject - the object to synchronized on