Class ClassCompiler

  • public class ClassCompiler
    extends Object
    Generates class files from script sources. since 1.5 Release 5
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassCompiler

        public ClassCompiler​(CompilerEnvirons compilerEnv)
        Construct ClassCompiler that uses the specified compiler environment when generating classes.
    • Method Detail

      • setMainMethodClass

        public void setMainMethodClass​(String className)
        Set the class name to use for main method implementation. The class must have a method matching public static void main(Script sc, String[] args), it will be called when main(String[] args) is called in the generated class. The class name should be fully qulified name and include the package name like in
      • getCompilerEnv

        public CompilerEnvirons getCompilerEnv()
        Get the compiler environment the compiler uses.
      • getTargetExtends

        public Class<?> getTargetExtends()
        Get the class that the generated target will extend.
      • setTargetExtends

        public void setTargetExtends​(Class<?> extendsClass)
        Set the class that the generated target will extend.
        extendsClass - the class it extends
      • getTargetImplements

        public Class<?>[] getTargetImplements()
        Get the interfaces that the generated target will implement.
      • setTargetImplements

        public void setTargetImplements​(Class<?>[] implementsClasses)
        Set the interfaces that the generated target will implement.
        implementsClasses - an array of Class objects, one for each interface the target will extend
      • compileToClassFiles

        public Object[] compileToClassFiles​(String source,
                                            String sourceLocation,
                                            int lineno,
                                            String mainClassName)
        Compile JavaScript source into one or more Java class files. The first compiled class will have name mainClassName. If the results of getTargetExtends() or getTargetImplements() are not null, then the first compiled class will extend the specified super class and implement specified interfaces.
        array where elements with even indexes specifies class name and the following odd index gives class file body as byte[] array. The initial element of the array always holds mainClassName and array[1] holds its byte code.