Class Main

  • public class Main
    extends Object
    The shell program. Can execute scripts interactively or in batch mode at the command line. An example of controlling the JavaScript engine.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Main

        public Main()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Main entry point. Process arguments as would a normal Java program. Also create a new Context and associate it with the current thread. Then set up the execution environment and begin to execute scripts.
      • exec

        public static int exec​(String[] origArgs)
        Execute the given arguments, but don't System.exit at the end.
      • getGlobal

        public static Global getGlobal()
      • processOptions

        public static String[] processOptions​(String[] args)
        Parse arguments.
      • processSource

        public static void processSource​(Context cx,
                                         String filename)
                                  throws IOException
        Evaluate JavaScript source.
        cx - the current context
        filename - the name of the file to compile, or null for interactive mode.
        IOException - if the source could not be read
        RhinoException - thrown during evaluation of source
      • setOut

        public static void setOut​(PrintStream out)
      • setErr

        public static void setErr​(PrintStream err)