Annotation Type Capability

  • @Documented
    public @interface Capability
    Define a capability for a bundle.

    For example:

                 name="osgi.component", version="1.3.0")

    This annotation is not retained at runtime. It is for use by tools to generate bundle manifests or otherwise process the type or package.

    This annotation can be used to annotate an annotation

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String namespace
      The namespace of this capability.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String[] attribute
      A list of attribute or directive names and values.
      String effective
      The effective time of this capability.
      String name
      The name of this capability within the namespace.
      Class<?>[] uses
      A list of classes whose packages are inspected to calculate the uses directive for this capability.
      String version
      The version of this capability.
    • Element Detail

      • namespace

        String namespace
        The namespace of this capability.
      • name

        String name
        The name of this capability within the namespace.

        If specified, adds an attribute with the name of the namespace and the value of the specified name to the capability clause.

      • version

        String version
        The version of this capability.

        If specified, adds an attribute with the name and type of version:Version and the value of the specified version to the capability clause.

        The specified version must be a valid OSGi version string.

      • uses

        Class<?>[] uses
        A list of classes whose packages are inspected to calculate the uses directive for this capability.

        If not specified, the uses directive is omitted from the capability clause.

      • effective

        String effective
        The effective time of this capability.

        Specifies the time the capability is available. The OSGi framework resolver only considers capabilities without an effective directive or effective:=resolve. Capabilities with other values for the effective directive can be considered by an external agent.

        If not specified, the effective directive is omitted from the capability clause.

      • attribute

        String[] attribute
        A list of attribute or directive names and values.

        Each string should be specified in the form:

        • "name=value" for attributes.
        • "name:type=value" for typed attributes.
        • "name:=value" for directives.
        These are added, separated by semicolons, to the capability clause.