Class AdminPermission

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Guard

    public final class AdminPermission
    extends BasicPermission
    A bundle's authority to perform specific privileged administrative operations on or to get sensitive information about a bundle. The actions for this permission are:
     Action             Methods
     class              Bundle.loadClass
     execute            Bundle.start
     extensionLifecycle BundleContext.installBundle for extension bundles
                        Bundle.update for extension bundles
                        Bundle.uninstall for extension bundles
     lifecycle          BundleContext.installBundle
     listener           BundleContext.addBundleListener for
                        BundleContext.removeBundleListener for
     metadata           Bundle.getHeaders
     resolve            FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles
     resource           Bundle.getResource
                        Bundle resource/entry URL creation
     startlevel         FrameworkStartLevel.setStartLevel
     context            Bundle.getBundleContext
     weave              WovenClass.getBytes
                        WovenClass.getDynamicImports for modification

    The special action "*" will represent all actions. The resolve action is implied by the class, execute and resource actions.

    The name of this permission is a filter expression. The filter gives access to the following attributes:

    • signer - A Distinguished Name chain used to sign a bundle. Wildcards in a DN are not matched according to the filter string rules, but according to the rules defined for a DN chain.
    • location - The location of a bundle.
    • id - The bundle ID of the designated bundle.
    • name - The symbolic name of a bundle.
    Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive manner.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdminPermission

        public AdminPermission()
        Creates a new AdminPermission object that matches all bundles and has all actions. Equivalent to AdminPermission("*","*");
      • AdminPermission

        public AdminPermission​(String filter,
                               String actions)
        Create a new AdminPermission. This constructor must only be used to create a permission that is going to be checked.



        When a signer key is used within the filter expression the signer value must escape the special filter chars ('*', '(', ')').

        Null arguments are equivalent to "*".

        filter - A filter expression that can use signer, location, id, and name keys. A value of "*" or null matches all bundle. Filter attribute names are processed in a case sensitive manner.
        actions - class, execute, extensionLifecycle , lifecycle, listener, metadata, resolve , resource, startlevel, context or weave. A value of "*" or null indicates all actions.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the filter has an invalid syntax.
      • AdminPermission

        public AdminPermission​(Bundle bundle,
                               String actions)
        Creates a new requested AdminPermission object to be used by the code that must perform checkPermission. AdminPermission objects created with this constructor cannot be added to an AdminPermission permission collection.
        bundle - A bundle.
        actions - class, execute, extensionLifecycle , lifecycle, listener, metadata, resolve , resource, startlevel, context, weave. A value of "*" or null indicates all actions.
    • Method Detail

      • implies

        public boolean implies​(Permission p)
        Determines if the specified permission is implied by this object. This method throws an exception if the specified permission was not constructed with a bundle.

        This method returns true if the specified permission is an AdminPermission AND

        • this object's filter matches the specified permission's bundle ID, bundle symbolic name, bundle location and bundle signer distinguished name chain OR
        • this object's filter is "*"
        AND this object's actions include all of the specified permission's actions.

        Special case: if the specified permission was constructed with "*" filter, then this method returns true if this object's filter is "*" and this object's actions include all of the specified permission's actions

        implies in class BasicPermission
        p - The requested permission.
        true if the specified permission is implied by this object; false otherwise.
      • getActions

        public String getActions()
        Returns the canonical string representation of the AdminPermission actions.

        Always returns present AdminPermission actions in the following order: class, execute, extensionLifecycle, lifecycle, listener, metadata, resolve, resource, startlevel, context, weave.

        getActions in class BasicPermission
        Canonical string representation of the AdminPermission actions.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Determines the equality of two AdminPermission objects.
        equals in class BasicPermission
        obj - The object being compared for equality with this object.
        true if obj is equivalent to this AdminPermission; false otherwise.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code value for this object.
        hashCode in class BasicPermission
        Hash code value for this object.